
How to Prevent Suicidal Activity

·        Most people believe when teens talk about suicide they won’t actually attempt it. Well, that’s a false accusation that people need to realize. When they talk about it, they’re trying to reach out to you and let you know that they have a problem. This is what most people don’t take precaution of.

·        If you are confronted with this situation, never tell them they’re crazy. The best approach is to be there for them and reassure them you’ll always be there no matter what happens. Let them know if life is changing for the worst you’re the one thing that won’t.

·          Remember one thing; being suicidal isn’t a cry for help. Some people do it just to get attention but others believe there is nothing else to live for. Don’t judge them, and especially don’t accuse them. Just try to prove what they have to look forward to and live for in their life.

·          Don’t be afraid to ask them if they’re feeling suicidal, this will only help to see how they are feeling that day. If they say yes, make sure to stay with them and take them to do something that makes them happy. That way they will remember what the good things in life are and can see that not all things in life are depressing.